On 26 May, students from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia visited Pipistrel Vertical Solutions where HEAVEN project partners presented their work on cryogenic hydrogen fuel-based propulsion technology.

The students who study in the field of hydrogen were exited to hear about the successful integration, coupling and ground tests of the designed hydrogen fuel-based aircraft. Together with project partners they held a fruitful discussion on the HEAVEN project development and the technical aspects of working with hydrogen fuel. During the course of the projects, its partners worked together on designing, developing and integrating a powertrain based on high power fuel cell and cryogenic technology into an existing small aircraft.

Presentation of HEAVEN project for university students

The most intriguing part of the presentation was the upcoming flight tests of the aircraft. The tests are planned to be carried out in Autumn of 2023 and a successful first flight will mark the overall success of the HEAVEN project. The day ended with students’ visit of the Pipistrel production site in order to see the zero-emission technology.

University students at Pipistrel production site

For additional information on the project, please visit the project’s website: heaven-fch-project.eu

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